Title |
Professor |
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Kyushu Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering JAPAN
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Kyushu Institute of Technology Master's Course Completed JAPAN
Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Cooperative Evacuation Guidance Methods in Large-Scale Disaster Situations Based on Wi-Fi Sensing Data
Atsuo Ozaki ( Single Author )
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2025.02
Research paper (international conference proceedings) English
Development and evaluation of a portable crowd estimation system using Wi-Fi
Ryoma Toyomi, Atsuo Ozaki ( Multiple Authorship )
International Journal of "Artificial Life and Robotics", Springer 2024.10
Research paper (scientific journal) English
Event-Aware Dynamic Time Step Synchronization Method for Distributed Moving Object Simulation
Atsuo OZAKI, Masashi SHIRAISHI, Shusuke WATANABE, Minoru MIYAZAWA, Masakazu FURUICHI, Hiroyuki SATO ( Multiple Authorship )
IEICE Trans. 2006.11
Research paper (scientific journal) English
Development of a New Lightning Detection System
Atsuo Ozaki, Yukio Hamatani, Hiroshi Aoki, Koichi Hirashima ( Single Author )
Research paper (scientific journal) English
Design and Implementation of Parallel and Distributed Wargame Simulation System and Its Evaluation
Atsuo Ozaki, Masakazu Furuichi, Katsumi Takahashi, Hitoshi Matsukawa ( Multiple Authorship )
IEICE Trans. (IEICE/IEEE Joint Special Issue) 2001.10
Research paper (scientific journal) English
Research Grants and Projects 【 display / non-display 】
Project Year:2021.04 - 2022.03
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Multi-Agent Simulation Speed Speed-Up Method for Emergency Vehicle Route Selection
Internal meeting Oral Presentation(general)
2024.03 -
Study of local weather forecasting using heterogeneous deep learning models
Internal meeting Oral Presentation(general)
2024.03 -
Study of Distributed Cooperative Search Model for Crisis Management and its Initial Evaluation
Internal meeting Oral Presentation(general)
2023.11 -
Study for estimating the number of people using radio propagation features based on Wi Wi-Fi terminal classification
Internal meeting Oral Presentation(general)
2023.11 -
大規模イベントを対象とした協調型避難誘導手法 ~混雑分散化の基礎検討~
山田千尋, 福谷颯真, 竹本和弘, 尾崎敦夫
Internal meeting 電子情報通信学会ISSジュニア&学生ポスターセッション Poster (general)