Title |
Professor |
Research Fields, Keywords |
Software Engineering, Programming Education |
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Hiroshi Igaki, Makoto Horiguchi, Naoki Fukuyasu ( Multiple Authorship )
64 ( 4 ) 860 - 870 2023.04
Research paper (scientific journal) Japanese
Development of Simple Educational Materials for Microservices Development Beginners
本田澄, 大八木勇太朗, 井垣宏, 福安直樹 ( Multiple Authorship )
実践的IT教育シンポジウムrePiT論文集(Web) 9th 2023
Research paper (scientific journal) Japanese
Online Learning Environment for Robotics Programming using ROS Simulator
Kenzaburo Miyawaki, Hiroshi Igaki, Yoshiyuki Kamakura, Takao Jinno, Yuta Muraki, Kiyoshi Honda, Makoto Hirayama ( Multiple Authorship )
The Proceedings of The 10th IIAE International Conference on Industrial Application Engineering 2022 2022.03
Research paper (international conference proceedings) English
Analyzing the impact of team review on students' programming behavior
堀口諒人, 井垣宏 ( Multiple Authorship )
日本ソフトウェア科学会研究会資料シリーズ(Web) 108 - 116 2022.02
Research paper (scientific journal) Japanese
Ryoko Izuta, Shinsuke Matsumoto, Hiroshi Igaki, Sachio Saiki, Naoki Fukuyasu, Shinji Kusumoto ( Multiple Authorship )
2021 28th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) 526 - 530 2021.12
Research paper (international conference proceedings) English
Review Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Proposal of a Gaze Status Sharing System for Supporting Online Group Discussion using Voice Chat.
高山裕暉, 井垣宏 ( Single Work )
日本ソフトウェア科学会大会講演論文集(Web) 38th 1 - 4 2021.09
Introduction and explanation (bulletin of university, research institution) Japanese
A Consideration of Sharing Points of Interest Among Developers and Collaborators for Remote Mob Programming
寺中靖幸, 井垣宏 ( Single Work )
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告(Web) 121 ( 179(MVE2021 8-25) ) 2021.09
Introduction and explanation (scientific journal) Japanese
Consideration of a Video Conferencing System to Support Developers by Role in Remote Mob Programming
寺中靖幸, 高山裕暉, 濱田優弥, 井垣宏 ( Single Work )
日本ソフトウェア科学会大会講演論文集(Web) 37th 2020.08
Introduction and explanation (bulletin of university, research institution) Japanese
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
International conference サイエンティフィックシステム研究会教育環境フォーラム2020「オンライン活用で教育の未来を切り拓く -コロナ禍で変わった、学び・働く環境-」 Oral Presentation(general)
2020.09 -
Internal meeting Oral Presentation(general)
2018.01【Proceedings】 121 - 126 2018.01
西村一輝,井垣 宏
Internal meeting 電子情報通信学会SIGSS研究会 ( 広島 ) Oral Presentation(general)
2018.01【Proceedings】 155 - 160 2018.01