Title |
Associate Professor |
Research Fields, Keywords |
Control Engineering, Measurement Engineering, Signal Processing |
Homepage URL |
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering Aerospace Engineering JAPAN
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Engineering Aerospace Engineering Master's Course Completed JAPAN
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Engineering Aerospace Engineering Doctor's Course Accomplished credits for doctoral program JAPAN
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, - Doctor of Engineering Control engineering/System engineering
Association Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Science JAPAN
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers JAPAN
The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers JAPAN
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers UNITED STATES
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers JAPAN
Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
Research field 【 display / non-display 】
Control engineering/System engineering
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Model Predictive Control Using State Estimation Based on Unscented Kalman Filter for Stabilization of Underwater Vehicle Dynamics
Minami MORITA, Tomoaki HASHIMOTO ( Multiple Authorship )
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Progress in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 2024.12
Research paper (international conference proceedings) English
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Landing Guidance of Reusable Rocket with Manipulation of Gimbal Angles and Aerodynamic Coefficients
Taisuke IWABUCHI, Tomoaki HASHIMOTO ( Multiple Authorship )
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Progress in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 2024.12
Research paper (international conference proceedings) English
Path Generation Using Deep Reinforcement Learning for Model Predictive Control of Automatic Driving
Tassei UEMATSU, Tomoaki HASHIMOTO ( Multiple Authorship )
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Progress in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2024.12
Research paper (international conference proceedings) English
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Landing Guidance of Reusable Rocket Using Thruster Inputs
Taisuke IWABUCHI, Tomoaki HASHIMOTO ( Multiple Authorship )
Journal of Electrical Systems 20 ( 11 ) 2954 - 2960 2024.12
Research paper (scientific journal) English
State Estimation based on Unscented Kalman Filter for Underwater Vehicle Dynamics
Minami MORITA, Tomoaki HASHIMOTO ( Multiple Authorship )
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering 12 ( 9 ) 23 - 28 2024.12
Research paper (scientific journal) English
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Real-Time Pricing for Electric Power Systems by Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
T. Ohtsuka, Y. Kawano, T. Hashimoto, Y. Okajima, K. Kashima ( Joint Work )
Springer, Singapore Scholarly Book English
Awards 【 display / non-display 】
Excellent Oral Presentation
The 5th International Conference on Robotics, Control and Automation Awards of International Conference, Council and Symposium
Best Presentation Award
International Conference on Automatic Control Engineering and Technology Awards of International Conference, Council and Symposium
Best Presentation Award
International Conference on Automatic Control Engineering and Technology Awards of International Conference, Council and Symposium
Best Paper Award
The 19th International Conference on Control Systems Design and Applications Awards of International Conference, Council and Symposium
Best Paper Award
The 19th International Conference on Control, Information and Systems Engineering Awards of International Conference, Council and Symposium
Research Grants and Projects 【 display / non-display 】
Project Year:2018.04 - 2022.03
Project Year:2015.04 - 2020.03
Project Year:2015.04 - 2018.03
Project Year:2012.10 - 2015.03
Project Year:2012.04 - 2015.03
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Using State Estimation for Stabilization of Vehicle Dynamics to Avoid the Secondary Accident
International conference The 5th International Conference on Robotics, Control and Automation ( Online ) Oral Presentation(general)
2021.03 -
木下裕太, 橋本智昭
Internal meeting 日本機械学会 関西学生会2019年度学生員卒業研究発表講演会 Oral Presentation(general)
2020.03 -
State Estimation based on Unscented Kalman Filter for Vehicle Nonlinear Dynamics
Wataru NAKAMURA, Tomoaki HASHIMOTO, Liang-Kuang CHEN
International conference International Conference on Automatic Control Engineering and Technology Oral Presentation(general)
2020.02 -
Robust Stabilization of Rotational Motion of Underwater Robots Against Parameter Uncertainties
International conference International Conference on Automatic Control Engineering and Technology Oral Presentation(general)
2020.02 -
Nonlinear Switching Control Using State Estimation for Anti-sliding Braking of Railway Vehicles
International conference OIT Mock International Conference Poster (general)