


Graduating School 【 display / non-display

  • Osaka City University   Faculty of Literature   JAPAN

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • Nara Women's University  Graduate School, Doctral Research Course in Human Culture  Doctor's Course  Accomplished credits for doctoral program  JAPAN

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Nara Women's University -  Master of English Literature  English linguistics

Research field 【 display / non-display

  • English linguistics


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Metaphor in polysemy of English phrasal verbs

    Tomoko Tsujimoto  ( Single Author )

    Journal of English Grammar and Usage   ( 26 ) 22 - 38   2019.12

    Research paper (scientific journal)  Japanese

  • A cognitive linguistic analysis of English polysemous words and its application to English teaching

    Kazunori Miyahata and Tomoko Tsujimoto  ( Multiple Authorship )

    Papers from the 19th National Conference of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association     2019.05

    Research paper (research society, symposium materials, etc.)  Japanese

  • Expressiveness of English Phrasal Verbs

     ( Single Author )


    Research paper (other science council materials etc.)  Japanese

  • A Multi-Sense Network Approach to English Prepositions

    辻本 智子  ( Single Author )

    大阪工業大学紀要 人文社会編   58 ( 2 ) 51 - 56   2014.02

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  English

  •  “The Conduit Framework in Discourse Deixis : A Communicative Approach”

    Tomoko Tsujimoto  ( Single Author )

    New Approaches to Discourse Anaphora : Proceedings of the Second Colloquium on Discourse Anaphora and Anaphora Resolution,Vol.Pp.221~229     1998.08

    Research paper (international conference proceedings)  English

Books 【 display / non-display

  • Insights 2024

    Junko Murao, Akiko Miyama, Tomoko Tsujimoto, Kana Yokoyama, Christopher Cladis  ( Joint Work )

    Kinseido    Textbook  Japanese

  • Insights 2023

    Junko Murao, Akiko Miyama, Tomoko Tsujimoto, Kana Yokoyama, Christopher Cladis  ( Joint Work )

    Kinseido    Textbook  Japanese

  • How to describe various tastes

    Ken-ichi Seto, Kazunori Miyahata, Tomoko Tsujimoto  ( Joint Work )

    Shueisha International Inc.    Book (general)  Japanese

  • Insights2022

    Junko Murao, Akiko Miyama, Tomoko Tsujimoto, Kana Yokoyama, Ashley Moore  ( Joint Work )

    Kinseido    Textbook  Japanese

  • Insights2021

    Junko Murao, Akiko Miyama, Tomoko Tsujimoto, Kana Yokoyama, Ashley Moore  ( Joint Work )

    Kinseido    Textbook  Japanese

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Research Grants and Projects 【 display / non-display

  • Development of English Phrasal Verb Learning System Using the method of Cognitive Linguistics

    Project Year:2019.04  -  Now 

  • Project Year:2014.04  -  2018.03 

Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Power of English Phrasal Verbs

    Tomoko Tsujimoto

    Internal meeting  17th English Grammar and Usage Seminar  Oral Presentation(general)


  • The Advantages of Using Image-schematic Animation in Teaching English Prepositions

    Tomoko Tsujimoto

    International conference  The Asian Conference on Language  ( Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan(Onlineに変更) )  Poster (general)


  • The use of animation in learning English prepositions

    Tomoko Tsujimoto

    Internal meeting  Poster (general)


  • 多義をどう捉えるか―言語教育と理論の視点から―


    Internal meeting  日本認知言語学会第19回大会  Oral Presentation(guest/special)
