Title |
Professor |
Research Fields, Keywords |
Semiconductor physics, infrared engineering, thermoelectric engineering |
Hideo Wada
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
National Defense Academy Department of Science and Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering JAPAN
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
National Defense Academy Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering Applied physical engineering Master's Course Completed JAPAN
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo University of Science - Doctor (Engineering) Electronic materials/Electric materials
Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display 】
IEEJ Electric Material Society senior member
Research field 【 display / non-display 】
Applied physics
Electronic and electrical material engineering
Qualification acquired 【 display / non-display 】
National Government Employee Adoption 1 kind Examination
Research Career 【 display / non-display 】
Development of energy-saving and low-cost thermochromic glass to improve the living environment
Project Year:2023.04 - 2026.03
Lowering the phase transition temperature of VO2 thin films by adding Zr and Hf
Project Year:2022.07 - 2023.02
Development of infrared smart windows with nanoscale porous moth-eye structures
Project Year:2021.05 - 2022.03
Development of infrared smart windows
Project Year:2020.10 - 2021.10
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Deposition and Characterization of Zr and Nb Doped VO2 Thin Films by MOD
Hideo Wada, Taito Fukawa, Erina Kitamura, Masami Kawahara, Nobuya Hiroshiba, Kazuto Koike ( Multiple Authorship )
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 144 ( 11 ) 1059 - 1065 2024.11
Research paper (scientific journal) Japanese
Low-Temperature Deposition of VO₂ Thin Films on Glass Substrates by MOD Method
Hideo Wada, Taito Fukawa, Nobuya Hirosiba, Kazuto Koike and Masami Kawahara ( Multiple Authorship )
Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan 73 ( 2 ) 172 - 177 2024.02
Research paper (scientific journal) Japanese
Deposition and characterization of Zr doped VO ₂ thin films on glass by MOD
Taito Fukawa, Chihiro Kuwayama, Kei Hashimoto, Masamune Aratake, Nobuya Hiroshiba, Kazuto Koike and Hideo Wada ( Multiple Authorship )
IEEJ Electric Material Society Proceeding EFM23021 73 - 76 2023.11
Research paper (scientific journal) Japanese
Characterization of the VO2 thin films grown on glass substrates by MOD
Hideo Wada, Taito Fukawa, Kazuaki Toyota, Masatoshi Koyama, Nobuya Hiroshiba, Kazuto Koike ( Multiple Authorship )
IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials 143 ( 2 ) 54 - 62 2023.09
Research paper (scientific journal) English
Characterization of the VO2 Thin Films Grown on Glass Substrates by MOD
Hideo Wada, Taito Fukawa, Kazuaki Toyota, Masatoshi Koyama, Nobuya Hiroshiba, Kazuto Koike ( Multiple Authorship )
IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials 143 ( 2 ) 54 - 62 2023.02
Research paper (scientific journal) Japanese
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Photoacoustic and Thermal Wave Phenomena in Semiconductors
Andereas Mandelis ( Joint Editor )
North-Holland Scholarly Book English
Development Trends of Smart Windows
Kazuki Yoshimura, Masayoshi Higuchi, Hideo Wada et al,. ( Contributor )
CMC Publishing co.Ltd. Report Japanese
Review Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Infrared smart window using nanoporous VO2 thin film by MOD method
Hideo Wada ( Single Work )
38 ( 3 ) 26 - 28 2023.11
Introduction and explanation (others) Japanese
A thermochromic glass with vanadium dioxide thin film
( Single Work )
Automotive Technology ( Technical Information Institute Co.,LTD ) 10 ( 2 ) 56 - 60 2022.11
Introduction and explanation (commerce magazine) Japanese
A heat radiation suppressible smart window for global warming prevention
Hideo Wada ( Single Work )
Clean Technology 32 ( 4 ) 26 - 29 2022.04
Introduction and explanation (commerce magazine) Japanese
Research Grants and Projects 【 display / non-display 】
Development of energy-saving and low-cost thermochromic thin glass to improve the living environment
Window Research Institute
Project Year:2024.04 - 2026.03
Lowering the phase transition temperature of VO2 thin films by Zr and Hf doping
Project Year:2022.07 - 2023.02
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Energy-saving and low-cost thermochromic film to improve the living environment
Hideo Wada, Chihiro Kuwayama, Nobuya Hiroshiba, Kazuto Koike and Masami Kawahara
Internal meeting The 22nd Infrared Radiation Applications Conference Oral Presentation(guest/special)
2025.01【Proceedings】 13 - 16 2025.01
Kensuke Nakata, Kaiko Yuge, Akira Fujimoto, Hideo Wada, Masatoshi Koyama, Akihiko Fujii, Toshihiko Maemoto
International conference IMFEDK2024 ( Ryukoku Univ. Fukakusa Campus (Jojukan), Kyoto, Japan ) Poster (general)
2024.11【Proceedings】 2024.11
Development of thin thermochromic film to improve the living environment
Hideo Wada, Chihiro Kuwayama, Nobuya Hiroshiba, Kazuto Koike, Masami Kawahara
Internal meeting JSAP 2nd Kansai Meeting in 2024 ( Osaka institute of Technology ) Oral Presentation(guest/special)
2024.11 -
Fabrication and evaluation of ultra-thin flexible VO2 films using ZrO2 buffer layer by MOD
Chihiro Kuwayama, Nobuya Hiroshiba, Kazuto Koike, Hideo Wada, Masami Kawahara
Internal meeting JSAP 2nd Kansai Meeting in 2024 ( Osaka institute of Technology ) Poster (general)
2024.11 -
Hideya Ochiai, Ryosuke Kasahara, Hideo Wada, Masatoshi Koyama, Akihiko Fujii, Akihiro Shimizu, Noritaka Takezoe, Shion Yamaguchi, Hiroyasu Ito, Toshihiko Maemoto
Internal meeting Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science 2024 ( 北九州国際会議場 ) Oral Presentation(general)