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論文 【 表示 / 非表示 】
From Zero to Hero: How We Increased the Users of Our ‘Free Conversation’ Service
Alexander Worth, Christopher Cladis, Jeremy Eades ( 単著 )
From Zero to Hero: How We Increased the Users of Our ‘Free Conversation’ Service 2020年
研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス) 英語
Willingness to Communicate (WTC) Intervention Activities for the EFL Japanese University Context
Kevin Garvey, Jeremy Eades ( 共著 )
Studies in Linguistics and Language Teaching 2018年
研究論文(大学,研究機関紀要) 英語
Investigating the effects on self-efficacy of communicating in Minecraft, a digitally-mediated environment
Stuart Champion, Jeremy Eades ( 単著 )
Studies in Linguistics and Language Teaching 25 ( 42 ) 2015年
研究論文(大学,研究機関紀要) 英語
ティーチング・ポートフォリオ 【 表示 / 非表示 】
My educational philosophy is that the most effective way to help a student improve their English ability is for them to have meaningful communication in situations that are relevant to them. These circumstances vary widely from student to student, and so necessitate a variety of options that students can choose from.
I am fortunate to work in a Self-Access Learning Center that is willing to provide these opportunities, ranging from academic pursuits such as giving presentations about their research projects in English and participating in PBL events, to more recreational pursuits such as watching visual media in English or creating fun hands-on craft projects in an English environment.
In the future, I would like to develop more concrete crafting projects that might be of interest to students, and hopefully bring in students who may not have a high English ability but wish to be in an English-speaking space. This would work together with OIT’s technical prowess to provide interesting opportunities to create something tangible and use English while doing so.
担当授業科目(学内) 【 表示 / 非表示 】
English for Academic Presentations ( 講義 )
Taught 2 sections per academic year at Omiya campus, and one section per academic year at Hirakata campus.
English for Academic Research ( 講義 )
Course taught at Hirakata campus. The focus is on preparing 4th year students to prepare a poster presentation of their senior project.
PBL Preparation Course ( 講義 )
Course designed to prepare students who are doing the International PBL course. Focus on language useful in teams.
Study abroad elective ( 講義 )
Elective class designed to prepare students planning on studying abroad later in the year. Focus on useful language in navigating a city or interacting with hosts.
Free Conversation ( 講義 )
Lunchtime session designed to allow students with flexible free time to join a conversation. This works to both promote the LLC and its services, as well as permit students to develop a comfortable sense of belonging in the LLC space.
その他教育活動及び特記事項 【 表示 / 非表示 】
English for Academic Presentations
2020年04月-継続中教科書 共同
共同者名:Alexander Worth, Christopher Cladis
PBL Preparation Course
2020年04月-継続中eラーニング 共同
共同者名:Christopher Cladis 主たる利用者:PBL students