Title |
Professor |
Research Fields, Keywords |
Intellectual Property, IP, patent |
Akihiro Kobayashi
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Hiroshima University Faculty of Engineering Electric Engineering Others
Research Career 【 display / non-display 】
Intellectual Property law and its practice
Project Year:1981.04 - Now
Intellectual property, patent, utility model, industrial design, trademark
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Trilateral Comparison on Inventive Step
Akihiro Kobayashi ( Single Author )
Patent 72 ( 6 ) 7 - 15 2019.05
Research paper (scientific journal) Japanese
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Internal meeting 寺崎電気研修会 ( 大阪市平野区加美東 ) Oral Presentation(guest/special)
2021.12 -
Trilateral Comparison on Description Requirements and Claim Interpretation
Akihiro Kobayashi
Internal meeting ( Kansai Office: Japan Patent Attorney's Association ) Public discourse, seminar, tutorial, course, lecture and others
2019.10 -
Forum: 10 Years Anniversary pf International Exchanges between OIT and Taiwan Universties -Reflections and Prospects
International conference 2017 Taiwan-Japan Higher Education Summit ( 台湾雲林市 ) Oral Presentation(guest/special)