-Junko Murao



Associate Professor

Committee Memberships 【 display / non-display

  • 2019.04

    Japan Association of College English Teachers  

Research field 【 display / non-display

  • Foreign language education

  • Literature in English

Qualification acquired 【 display / non-display

  • Practical English Proficiency Test (1or semi-1 or 2 class)


Research Career 【 display / non-display

  • Development of English Learning programs for Nurturing Independent Learners

    Project Year:2016

    English Language Education


  • Research on pshchological attitudes of students studying abroad

    Project Year:2013

    Study abroad, students' psychological attitudes

    Collaboration in Organization

  • The Dynamics of "Memories" in Scott Fitzgerald's works

    Project Year:2011

    memory, cultural memories, American novels


  • Designing a learning program for developing independent English learners

    Project Year:2013  -  2015 

    English Education, Independent Learning

    Collaboration in Organization

Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Problematising the goals of study abroad in Japan: perspectives from the students, universities and government

    Erik Fritz, 村尾純子  ( Multiple Authorship )

    Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development     2019.06

    Research paper (scientific journal)  English

  • A Teaching Report: Introduction of Extensive Reading into OIT Classrooms

     ( Single Author )

    Memoirs of Osaka Institute of Technology   58 ( 2 ) P43-49   2014.02

    Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  Japanese

  • Some Clues to teach about the American dream through The Great Gatsby

     ( Single Author )

    ATEm Nishinihon Chapter Papaers in commemoration of the 10th anniversary     71 - 84   2013.08

    Research paper (scientific journal)  Japanese

  • 留学インタビューを素材としたトレーニング・セッションの組み立ておよび教材作成

    Erik Fritz  ( Multiple Authorship )

    The Language Teacher   40 ( 2 ) 13 - 17  

    Research paper (scientific journal)  English

  • 留学インタービューを利用した研修および教材の開発

    エリック・フリッツ  ( Multiple Authorship )

    The Language Teacher   40 ( 2 ) 13 - 17  

    Research paper (scientific journal)  English

Books 【 display / non-display

  • Insights 2024

    村尾純子、深山晶子、辻本智子、横山香奈、クリストファー・クラディス  ( Joint Work )

    金星堂    Textbook  English

  • Social Snapshots

    村尾 純子、深山 晶子  ( Joint Work )

    三修社    Textbook  English

  • Insights 2023

    村尾純子、深山晶子、辻本智子、横山香奈、クリストファー・クラディス  ( Joint Work )

    金星堂    Textbook  English

  • Insights 2022

    村尾 純子、深山 晶子、辻本 智子、横山 香奈、アシュレー・ムーア  ( Joint Work )

    金星堂    Textbook  English

  • 理系英語のライティング ver. 2

    野口ジュディー、深山晶子、村尾純子、浅野元子  ( Joint Work )

    アルク    Scholarly Book  English

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Review Papers 【 display / non-display

  • A Program for Global Human Resource Development: Using MOOCs for Specialized Study-abroad Experiences

    Akiko Miyama, Junko Murao, Mitsuko Yukishige, Motoko Asano, Noriko Matsuda, Sachiyo Nishikawa, Kaori Nitta  ( Joint Work )

    A Program for Global Human Resource Development: Using MOOCs for Specialized Study-abroad Experiences     2018.03

    Introduction and explanation (others)  Japanese

  • Mastering ESP: Constructing of a Website for a Library-based Hands-on 'Virtual Study Abroad' Self-Study Program

    Akiko Miyama,Atsushi Mukuhira,Ashley Moore,Erik Fritz,Alexander Worth,Danielle Fischer  ( Joint Work )

    ( Osaka Institute of Technology )   1-8,30-31, 38   2016.03

    Other article  Japanese

Research Grants and Projects 【 display / non-display

  • Project Year:2021.04  -  2024.03 

  • Project Year:2016.04  -  2019.03 

  • Project Year:2013.04  -  2016.03 

  • Project Year:2012.04  -  2015.03 

  • Project Year:2009.04  -  2011.03